Imagine: your consumers, your building occupants having greater confidence than ever before as they re-enter the physical environment.
Imagine at every one of your outlets, a QR code that not only tells consumers current levels of air quality but the opportunity to predict future air quality. Imagine being able to log in and check the air quality before you even arrive!
This vision is now a reality thanks to 4xi Innovation Partner, Ambisense.

This state-of-the-art sensor is completely 'Plug & Play' and costs as little as $2 a day. What's the value of your consumer and occupant confidence?
The ambisense clean air monitoring system, AmbiAir has a multitude of applications for all public places including:
Micro retail stores
Medical Offices
Bank branches
Hotels (bedrooms)
Offices and workplaces
Public departments (such as DMV, passport office, etc.)
The Ambisense, AmbiAir product is also ideal for facilities management companies keen to drive value and opportunity with existing and new clients.
To learn more visit our website at www.4xiconsulting.com or contact us at hello@4xiconsulting.com
Inspiring the future, together.

4xi Global Workplace Consulting & Solutions provides a range of services to support Corporations, Service Providers, Innovators, and Accelerators to navigate the world of work. Inspiring the future of work, together.

4xi is proud to be Chair of WORKTECH Academy for North America and a member of its Leadership Advisory Board. 4xi is a Global Ambassador for WORKTECH Academy.
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