Dina O'Reilly

Apr 20, 20223 min

Does Your Company Culture Look Towards The Forest or The Tree?

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

DEFINITION: cul·ture /ˈkəlCHər/

Culture is the collective customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or another social group.

When you create a culture in your company one of the most vital pieces needed for success is the shared respect and consideration of the beliefs, tenets, and values of the collective. In support of Arbor Day, please enjoy the story that I told my grandson via Facetime, to help foster his environmental conscientiousness and a shared sense of accountability for all.

Running in the early hours heals my soul and invigorates my heart and mind. The soft sound of the nearby babbling creek, with sunshine, glittering through the trees; the sun rising swiftly is always such a gift. Slowing down, I make a quick turn into a hidden wooded copse. Father Oak and his family’s whispering tones caught my ear. Padding along the pathway to the thicket where my beloved ‘other’ family lives, I give my old friend a pat and ask for his news.

Father Oak has been busy chaperoning the underlings coming up through the forest floor; keeping Beulah and the Beech Belles from arguing too loudly and darling Miss Magnolia from having her Mint Julep too early in the day. The tall willowy pines wave graciously overhead as the trees chatter way. I laugh at the antics of the woods in my absence. On a more somber note, my old friend whispers that tree cutters abound; some fallen friends will need to be removed to make way for sunshine to enter the canopy and the floor below. Humans prefer a particular order it seems, not the natural decay of life. I rest my cheek against his rough bark and feel his pain. His roots speak to all here in these woods, a complex communication language of sharing and collaboration, never of harm or hurt.

The fallen friends know it is their time but still, the heart aches. The trunks of my wooded family stand steadfast despite the actions unwelcomed perpetrated against them. What can I do, I ask? The story of trees needs to be shared; our presence is a reminder of all that is good.

Each day we can but wake up and keep trying always to help; to be a gift to the planet even when there are fewer of us to do the work. You are always in my heart I tell my friend, and the trees always are.

May I close with, that on April 29, 2022, Arbor Day, Father Oak reminds us all to take a moment to admire a tree; hug a tree, plant a tree, trim a tree, or just send your love to a tree, for without them the world would be a very sad place, indeed!

Dina Wiltshire is 4xi's Strategic Partnerships & Growth lead - she works with clients who are seeking opportunities to improve, grow, and thrive. In addition to growth, Dina has a wealth of experience in a number of areas of business from leading call centers and call center design, to operations, and project management.

Dina and the entire team at 4xi are here to help you drive positive change and impact. To learn more about Dina download her BIO, or you can contact her directly at dina@4xiconsulting.com

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